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What is the product that will be submitted ?

It will be a full designed project with required drawings and studies  for  each idea.


What is the maximum number of each participated team ?

 there is no  restrain on the maximum number, but It is preferable to be around 8 members. 


Is it available to submit a previously submitted proposals ?

It is prohibited to submit any similar proposals or ideas that already submitted in any educational courses or any similar competitions or any similar submission in general prior to the competition announcement date.


The main aspect of the project ? (what is the scope of the project) ?

The objective of the project is to support the local communities to enhance and develop their urban environment. There are three main aspects to be considered in the project, urban agriculture, renewable energy and sustainable mobility. Each group can use, at least, one aspect of three, and may combine between two or three aspects according to each group’s methodology.


Can a group register without including another interdisciplinary ?

NO, it is forbidden for any group to register with out including a member from an  interdisciplinary field. 

p.s. Urban planning and Architecture are considered one major, so each group MUST include a member from any other major according to their criteria.



Does the project covers the whole area ?

NO, the domain of intervention covers only a part of the neighborhood. The Challenge is showing how this intervention will impact on the rest of the neighborhood. 


 Can demolishing or removing buildings from the area included in any solution ?

The project must simulates the reality as it must be actually implementable, serves the inhabitants and develop their living condition.


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